- lifetime member of the NRA (and supposedly hunts regularly)
- anti-abortion, yet still calls herself a feminist?
- pro-death penalty
- former beauty pageant queen...... because there has to besomething pretty to look at while discussing the issues?
- nominated miss congeniality... do you think she includes thison her resume?
- anti-environment, for drilling in Alaska and removing tho polar bears protected status
- little political experience (4yrs on city council, 6 yrs as mayor of a small town, and almost 2 yrs as Governor of Alaska)
- prior work experience includes sports reporter and commercial fishing
- uncertain religious affiliation: Pentecostal, non-denominationaland Lutheran?
- She is seen as ideal because her son is being deployed to Iraq.....how does that speak to her credibility as a candidate?
- children with crazy names: Track, Trig, Bristol, Willow, and Piper.... i feel sorry for them!
- married to high school boyfriend.... come on how about some exploration!
- husband works for BP oil.... hmm she is neutral right?
- Palin stated: "It was rightly noted in Denver this week that Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America," she told the crowd. "But it turns out the women of America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all." How is electing a woman who is against most women's issues shattering the glass ceiling? We might as well elect a mannequin.
- She was only selected to take away votes from the democrats, not based on her credentials or skills
- Sarah was chosen over many other more qualified and experienced women such as Senator Hutchinson or Snowe
- John McCain, who has previously called his wife a cunt, probably has one intention in choosing Sarah: she will be a pretty face to campaign with and deceive the consciences of women but if elected, will be asked to keep her mouth shut and submit to his paternalistic, male dominated world view (which she seemingly already has)
+ Arial Hunting alone is a reason to have this cunts head mounted on your wall. OH sorry that's not posi?
+ The fact that she resigned in the middle of her term is a good reason.
+ Her daughters EX shows his little ass in play girl
+ she attempts stand up comedy
+ She writes crib notes on her hand at tea party rallys
+ Id love to hate Bang her.
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